Karen Roeming, OT, MA, CHT

Karen Roeming, OT, MA, CHT is employed at Colleyville Physical Therapy in Texas. She graduated from the University of Missouri in Columbia in 1984 with her Bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy. She obtained her Master’s degree from Texas Woman’s University in 1990 with research in Early Mobilization of Extensor Tendon Lacerations in Zones III & IV. She received her certification in hand and upper extremity therapy in 1991. Karen specializes in the care of hand and upper extremity rehabilitation and has served on the local, state, national hand therapy and certification boards. Outside of work, Karen enjoys spending time with her husband and children, traveling, running, reading, and gardening. She has been a repeat missioner to Sierra Leone, Africa since 2008 which she considers her second home and… the rest of her family.
