How to Exhibit/Sponsor

The 2023 ASHT Annual Meeting will attract attendees from all segments of hand and upper extremity therapy. Attendees include ASHT members and non-members, industry partners, researchers and students who collaborate to advance the specialty of hand and upper extremity therapy by promoting education, advocacy, research and clinical standards. 

Our exhibit hall will compliment the educational and scientific sessions offered throughout the meeting. This experience will allow registrants to see, hear, examine, question and evaluate products, services and solutions and to connect with industry professionals.

Download the 2023 Sponsor and Exhibit Application

Download the 2023 Exhibitor Prospectus

  Contact ASHT

Amanda Bray
Industry Relations Manager
(856) 437-4750

ASHT Annual Meeting 2023
September 28 - 30, 2023 (for Exhibitors/Sponsors)
Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center - San Antonio, TX